
                                              CAREFUL WITH INTERNET

Many people don't have careful in Internet and that can be a problem. Nowadays there are many problems with hackers that see you through the webcam, webs that have viruses, and also problems with little children about ciberbullying, ciberviolence, grooming, sexting, privacy...
So in this blog you are going to read about many things about the dangers of Internet.

  • Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is bullying but through social networks.
For being cyberbullying it has to be both children if not we are talking about other type of cyberbullying or grooming.                                                                                                                                           YouTube
  • Grooming
We can define grooming as sexual activity occured by Internet,midle age people or young adult people do like if they were children to see where the person that is in the other front of he camera (always a children) lives or where she/he can meet to rape them.

  • Cybercrimes                                                            Critica
Cybercrimes are the intention hackers have to deliver viruses wich can almost destroy the performance of the computer, wich in this case is our computer.


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